Even the healthiest of individuals will require a bit of sports therapy from time to time. Have you recently pulled a muscle after performing an intense bout of exercise? Perhaps you are recovering from an injury or you are dealing with chronic pain. These are only a handful of examples why our Kingsclere rehabilitation specialists are your go-to options when only the most targeted solutions will suffice. Let us take a quick look at some of the services offered by the team at West Berkshire Injury Clinic as well as what talents set us apart from the others.

A Host of Options Under a Single Roof

There are times when it be frustrating to be forced to consult with several different sports therapy clinics before encountering an accurate diagnosis of the problem at hand. Furthermore, seeking treatments from numerous specialists can be confusing and even counterproductive to the healing process. This is why West Berkshire Injury Clinic has made it a point to provide a plethora of targeted services including:

  • Osteopathy
  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Sports massages
  • Myofascial releases
  • Remedial massages

Not only will we provide efficient solutions, but we are even able to treat multiple issues in order to ensure a quicker recovery. However, this is only the beginning of what Kingsclere clients and those from the surrounding areas can expect to enjoy.

Embracing a Patient-Centred Approach

We appreciate the simple fact that the needs of every patient our different. This is why it makes little sense to adopt generic approaches. Our specialists will make it a point to discuss your needs and concerns in great detail from the very beginning. We will also explain each procedure along the way so that you can know what to expect. Establishing such transparent relationships is an excellent way to ensure a positive prognosis form both short- and long-term points of view.

Do you wish to schedule a sports massage? Are you curious to learn about the benefits of a myofascial release or what a remedial massage entails? Please get in touch with one of our customer service specialists in order to book an appointment. From chronic aches and pains to sudden injuries, our experts are only a phone call away. We look forward to speaking with you in greater detail so that your life can return to normal in no time at all.