Find the answers to some of our most asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Reach out to us here if you need to ask us something else.

What should I wear?

We want to make sure you feel comfortable during your treatment session so loose fitting shorts and a top are ideal – just make sure you wear underwear, please!

Will the treatment session hurt?

Whilst we cannot guarantee manual therapy won’t be painful, it’s important for you to be honest with us and tell us if it’s hurting. We use a pain scale where 0 is you can’t feel anything, and 10 is that you’re going to hit the roof, or us! The maximum we want to reach is 7 however, there will be the odd occasion when it might reach an 8. If you’re concerned, tell us and we will work within those limits.

How long is the first appointment?

We may split the appointment into two with the first appointment being virtual however this will be organised and agreed during the initial discussion. The virtual appointment will last no more than 20 minutes.

If a virtual appointment isn’t used, then allow 45 minutes for the initial appointment.

We will need to go through a lot of personal information (medical and injury history), as well as discussing the injury, or pain point, that requires treatment. We may also want to look at your posture and assess imbalances. This all takes time but, don’t worry, we’ll ensure there is enough time for your treatment.

How many sessions will I need?

This will depend entirely on the type of injury, our assessment following your first treatment, and the rehabilitation period (this includes you putting into practice our advice, and recommendations for recovery, including resting.

Should I expect any discomfort after treatment?

This will depend on the type of treatment you have received. You may experience discomfort, or ‘aches and pains’, for a day or two post treatment however, if you’re concerned then you can always contact us.

Can I bring someone with me?

Of course – whatever makes you comfortable. 

Can I ask questions?

Absolutely! We’re here to answer questions, and to address any concerns you may have.

Can I choose to see a male or female therapist?

We will do our utmost to accommodate these requests, but sometimes the best team member to help may be of the opposite sex. We will always work with you to make sure you feel comfortable at every stage of your treatment.

I am under 18 can I still receive treatment?

Yes, but a parent or guardian must always be present.

Wellbeing & Welfare

We will continue to ensure that we follow the requirements set for our industry by Public Health England (PHE). We have a full risk assessment which is available to be reviewed by any patient/client that wishes to see it.

No matter what happens we will always look to exceed the government requirements to keep ourselves and our patients/clients safe.

Need to know more?

If you require more information, contact us and we will be more than happy to help.

Newbury Clinic

Call. 01635 904 542

Hungerford Clinic

Call. 01488 493 014

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