At West Berkshire Injury Clinic we treat a multitude of injuries and Sports Therapy isn’t limited to Sports Injuries and Osteopathy isn’t limited to backs.
According to the General Osteopathic Council (GoSC) – Osteopathy specialises in the diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal and other related disorders. It doesn’t talk about backs but about all general conditions.
Sports Therapy is much more than treating injured athletes and ‘sport’ injuries; the essence of any good Sports Therapist is dealing with common complaints such as back pain, mobility problems, postural issues , work related aches and pains as well as dealing with injuries caused by sporting activities or any other activity.
So which one of us should you see?
We may well get to the same result but using different techniques and we can promise that if we aren’t making the required progress we will refer onto each other. Along with this we have relationships with other therapists in the area and will refer on if needed. When you call us for an appointment then we can have a chat and agree who is the best person for you to see. Your wellbeing and recovery is our number one priority.