At this time a lot more people are working from home than would normal and as a result people quite often aren’t set up properly. This can result in neck and back pain. The good news is that these things can be avoided and what we are going to try to do in this blog is highlight the steps that can be taken to make life easier.

Tip For When You Are Working From Home

Step 1: Make sure that you are set up to be able to work effectively.

Most people tend to have laptops. They are great for carrying about and providing flexibility, however they are not designed to allow you to work on them for long periods of time.

Don’t try to work from the sofa or armchair as that really would be a recipe for disaster. The dining table or kitchen table would be better options if you can. However, if you don’t have any choice but to work from the sofa use a lap tray.

Ideally you should also have a separate screen, mouse and keyboard if possible

  1. Put your laptop on top of some books and make sure the screen is set so it is a eye level. The top of the screen should be at eyebrow level.
  2. Do buy a separate mouse and keyboard, they really are essential and will help to reduce the risk in developing neck and/or back pain. You don’t need to spend a lot of money – have a look around. A reasonable keyboard and mouse for £15 (And perhaps you’ll be able to claim it back on expenses).

Step 2: Set yourself a timetable

When you work from home it is very easy to lose track of time. Hence it is even more important to be self-disciplined.

  • What is your start time – If you say 9am – Stick to it.
  • When are you taking lunch? Check your calendar and give yourself at least 30 minutes and block it out.
  • What time will you finish – Again if you say 5pm – Stick to it.

Step 3: Take plenty of breaks.

As they say – Have a break – have a kit kat. Breaks are really important and when you’re at home you tend to forget. When you’re in the office you will go and get yourself a coffee, go to the toilet, chat to a colleague.

What I say to people is try to have a little bit of break every 30 to 40 minutes and you will notice how much easier things will become. Again, be disciplined with yourself and also you will be surprised how much more productive you will be.

Step 4: Stretch.

I will do a live later on this week (week beginning 20/4/2020) and will go through some good stretches.

Step 5: Exercise

This is the one thing at this time which has gone by the wayside but don’t let it. It is very important that you get some fresh air, ideally every day. So do it – go for a walk, a run, a cycle. However, make sure you are sensible and socially distance – Keep that 2 metre apart.

We hope that this has been useful. If you have any questions then please get in touch with the clinic.


Further Reading